SEO Agency Tips: How to rank your business on Google in 2019?
April 29, 2019
SEO Agency Tips: How to rank your business on Google in 2020?
December 1, 2019

Sales Funnels & Landing Pages

Sales Funnel Creation! 2 Funnel Landing Pages For The Price Of One - Sales funnels can help you generate high conversion, high reward landing pages to sell products, generate leads, or pull people into your sales process. For the month of May, you can get two funnels built for your business for less than the price of one.

Regular Price:

May Price:

Monthly Sales Funnel Management and Optimization - We will maintain your sales funnel, driving traffic from end users, boosting conversions, and getting your landing page ranked in google search.

Regular Price:
$300 / mo

May Price:
$100 / mo

Social Media Content & Management

Social Media Content Creation & Social Media Management - Social Media has been the primary way to reach new potential clients for the last few years. Given that 76% of new purchasing decisions start with an online search, your brand having a strong presence on social media is critical for brand validity and trust building. Having relevant and important customer centered content can boost your conversions, increase brand loyalty, and raise brand awareness. Test out our monthly social media content plan at an unbelievable price. This includes 30 social media post, all optimized for social algorithms and also include user engagement.

Regular Price:
$500 / per campaign

May Price:
$875 / mo

Social Media Advertising Campaigns - Reach more people and grow your brand's customer base with paid social media advertising. With social media advertising, the cost per conversion is usually one of the lowest forms of successful advertising a business can do. Take our advertising team for a test drive with one campaign for 50% off. Each campaign would include multiple ads, copywriting for the ad text, ad assets such as video or photo requirements, as well as targeting and optimization.

Regular Price:
$500 / Campaign

May Price:
$250 / Campaign

Search Engine Optimization & Ranking

SEO Audit & One Time Optimization - SEO, or search engine optimization, is critical in your marketing strategy. 86% of any business done through search goes to the first 5 listings on the results page. Ranking high means more visibility, more customers, and a higher likelihood to show up to new customers. We can get you ranked on both search and maps quickly. We also audit your entire brand to see where things are as we start working together, generate monthly reports detailing our progress and standings, and set milestone goals with you to make sure we are hitting your expectations.

Regular Price:

May Price:

(New Customer Special) SEO / Search Engine Optimization Ongoing Service - Ongoing search engine optimization services can get your brand up to the top of results and also keep you there. We work with you to get you ranked within a deadline based off of keywords, monitor your brand 24/7 for ranking changes and if needed, change on and off page content to better rank your company for the things customers are searching for.

Regular Price:
$1500 - $1900 / mo

May Price:
$750 - $1,200 / mo

Business Blast - We list your business in hundreds of directories at a time, including niche ones meant for industry-specific use cases. This can have a tremendous impact on a brands visibility to search engines and validity to a user looking into your brand.

Regular Price:
$1000 / per campaign

May Price:
$600 / per campaign

Blog Content Writing & SEO Writing

2 SEO Optimized Articles - We will write two SEO optimized blog post, above 1500-2000 words, with pictures and good readability for social media. We will tailor the information of the post to boost viral potential on social media sharing This is perfect for brands getting started with marketing or brands unfamiliar with blog traffic and what it can do for your brand.

Regular Price:

May Price:

Ongoing Content Creation Package - Every month, we will write two SEO optimized blog post, above 1500-2000 words, with pictures and good readability for social media. We will tailor the information of the post to boost viral potential on social media sharing, we will also share this post out to over 40 syndication services to make sure the internet knows you have posted new content! We will help you create a social media ad to this content at no additional cost to boost viewership!

Regular Price:
$300 / mo

May Price:
$750 - $150 / mo

Total Test Drive (First Time Offering)

You guys asked, we listened!

We have had a ton of companies both big and small ask us about doing a special 3 month to 6 months probationary "get to know each other" phase to test our services out. This is perfect for brands with existing agencies that are considering switching or a new brand that has yet to jump to professional marketing services that wants to test the waters!

Total Test Drive! - By far our best deal because we want to encourage you to get the most value out of us getting to know each other. Get one new sales funnel set up, SEO optimized, and fully automated, 15 social media post over the course of a month to drive more brand engagement, 2 advertising campaigns driving new business, and two SEO optimized blog post (above 1500-2000 words) with pictures and good readability for social media. We will tailor the information of the post to boost viral potential on social media sharing, and we will get you listed in thousands of business directories, boosting your search engine visibility and brand authority online. One of the fastest services we can see results from for your business. We even offer a discounted SEO audit and one-time optimization with this service!

Regular Price:

May Price:

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